1.Hook basic block in unicorn script
def uc_debug_block(uc, address, size, user_data):
# Our tool uses "addr =" to track the data flow
print("Basic Block: addr=0x{0:016x}, size=0x{1:016x}".format(address, size))
uc.hook_add(UC_HOOK_BLOCK, uc_debug_block)
void uc_debug_block(uc_engine *uc, int addr, int size, void *user_data) {
print("Basic Block: addr=0x%x, size=0x%x", addr, size);
hook_add(uc, &hook2, UC_HOOK_BLOCK, uc_debug_block, NULL, 1, 0);
2.Export instruction simulation record
python3 task_fibonacci.py > trace.txt
3.Load the plug-in and open address-record
output: call stack
>>> ----- start tracking function ----- >>>
>>> cgc_do_sample
>>> cgc_receive_packet
>>> cgc_simple_checksum16
>>> cgc_receive_packet
output: set color (basic block)
4.Use the shortcut Ctrl + H
to clear the color setting of the basic block