API gateway/proxy. Register your API endpoint, configure access and publish it through the proxy. Comes with mock and load-balancing.
![Screenshot](Apimoon with graphql query.png?raw=true "Screenshot")
- Eats JSON delivered different ways:
- Sandbox in the middle where with javascript can do mappings from format x to format
- Provides JSON through HTTP
- Also implements GraphQL Server / Client
https://docs.google.com/document/d/141UD-nxg2nxL-dxCG0ijBgZZAyBXhQw5vrSPhPz5o1E/pub (coming to MD format soon)
-- Below is a side project which is React dataview component for Meteorkitchen.
Demo app URL https://apimoon-ljack1.c9users.io/
To run the app yourselft just clone the repostiory and type './run.sh'
The recreate using meteor-kitchen you need to setup ~/.meteor-kitchen/templates/ from https://github.com/ljack/kitchen-templates
Files of interest:
apimoon.json MeteorKitchen Application JSON for Apimoon.
#Files that are needed to be generated
Examples for two collections apimoon and todos.
- files/columns-apimoon.jsx "configuration" file for data_view.jsx
- files/schema-apimoon.js tcomb schema used in data_view.jsx
- files/columns-todo.jsx "configuration" file for data_view.jsx
- files/schema-todo.js tcomb schema used in data_view.jsx
- files/griddle.css Modified griddle css to allow table-hover and table-striped to work, used in data_view.jsx
- files/client.js Shows an example how to import collection js usable in client
- files/server.js Contains startup insert code for Apimoon collection. Uses *-code.js files.
Files from files are copied to meteor app dir based on configuration in ../apimoon.json
Note that actually the apimoons_page.jsx and pagetodos.jsx contains all the functionality. That is pages in details/edit/insert are not curretly used at all.
- Create UI for selecting user in Todos.owner and Todos.sharedTo
Rewrite in progress, so stay tuned.