Costa, L.M and Panoso A.R
This is a guide on how to process the data obtained on this platform, we will not use all the files available in this example because they are very extensive.
This is just the procedure applied to get to the annual databases
presented in the data
folder. In this folder you will have access to
the data referring to this study already processed.
A table was generated for each year with the averages for each coordinate in the Brazilian territory, this table was used in the ArcGIS software to generate the variograms and use the Ordinary Kriging (O.K) interpolation.
The data generated by the variogram in Arcgis were submitted to cross
validation, the script is available in the R
folder, as well as the
script used to generate the histograms.
In data-raw/
alocat all the .nc files, in pattern use the year
that you want procedure. You can apply a filter for the region of your
file_names <- list.files("data-raw/", pattern = "2015")
for( i in seq_along(file_names)){
sif.005 <- raster::brick(paste0("data-raw/", file_names[i]))
sif.005 <-[[1]],xy=T)
sif.005 <- na.omit(sif.005)
sif.005 <- sif.005 |>
x < -30,
y < 10
sif.005a <- raster::brick(paste0("data-raw/", file_names[i]))
sif.005a <-[[1]],xy=T)
sif.005a <- na.omit(sif.005a)
sif.005a <- sif.005a |>
x < -30,
y < 10
sif.005 <- rbind(sif.005,sif.005a)
First vizualization of data
sif.005 |>
Now we can create the polygon for Brazil and making some necessary adjustments for the country, and after that we can filter the data for the country.
br <- geobr::read_country(showProgress = FALSE)
region <- geobr::read_region(showProgress = FALSE)
pol_br <- br$geom |> purrr::pluck(1) |> as.matrix()
pol_br <- pol_br[pol_br[,1]<=-34,]
pol_br <- pol_br[!((pol_br[,1]>=-38.8 & pol_br[,1]<=-38.6) &
(pol_br[,2]>= -19 & pol_br[,2]<= -16)),]
pol_NE <- region$geom |> purrr::pluck(2) |> as.matrix()# pol North Easth
pol_NE <- pol_NE[pol_NE[,1]<=-34,]
pol_NE <- pol_NE[!((pol_NE[,1]>=-38.7 & pol_NE[,1]<=-38.6) & pol_NE[,2]<=-15),]
The logical function for filter the points that exist in brazil
def_pol <- function(x, y, pol){
as.logical( = x,
point.y = y,
pol.x = pol[,1],
pol.y = pol[,2]))
sif.005 <- sif.005 |>
flag_br = def_pol(x,y,pol_br),
flag_NE = def_pol(x,y,pol_NE)
br |>
ggplot2::ggplot() +
ggplot2::geom_sf(fill="#2D3E50", color="#FEBF57",
size=.15, show.legend = FALSE)+
ggplot2::geom_point(data=sif.005 |>
sif.005 <- sif.005 |>
Checking for outliers
sif.005 |>
ggplot2:: ggplot(ggplot2::aes(y=layer))+
ggplot2::geom_boxplot(fill="green",outlier.colour = "black")+
Creating a function and applaying on the data
remove_outlier <- function(x,coefi=1.5){
med = median(x)
li = med - coefi*IQR(x)
ls = med + coefi*IQR(x)
c(Lim_Inf = li, Lim_Sup = ls)
sif.005 <- sif.005 |>
layer > remove_outlier(sif.005$layer)[1] &
layer < remove_outlier(sif.005$layer)[2]
sif.005 <- sif.005 |>
dplyr::mutate(coord = stringr::str_c(x,y, sep= ":")) |>
dplyr::group_by(coord) |>
dplyr::summarise(sif = mean(layer))
coords = data.frame(stringr::str_split(sif.005$coord, ":", n=Inf,simplify = T))
sif.005<- sif.005 |>
lon = coords$X1,
lat = coords$X2) |>
dplyr::select(lon, lat, sif)
## # A tibble: 6 x 3
## lon lat sif
## <chr> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 -34.824999999967 -7.22500000000471 0.310
## 2 -34.824999999967 -7.27500000000471 0.218
## 3 -34.824999999967 -7.32500000000471 0.328
## 4 -34.824999999967 -7.3750000000047 0.278
## 5 -34.824999999967 -7.4250000000047 0.287
## 6 -34.824999999967 -7.4750000000047 0.229
Now you can save the file in csv
on the data
folder and use this
data to make the O.K