Releases: lmcinnes/umap
Releases · lmcinnes/umap
Patch: LOBPCG not as good for "small" matrices
0.3.5 Patch: LOBPCG not so good for smaller matrices.
Minor patches, LOBPCG for spectral
0.3.4 lobpcg for spectral; back to parallel
Minor patches and JOSS
0.3.3 Version bump for minor patches.
Sparse correlation
Fix the sparse correlation metric which was incorrect.
csgraph bug fixes
0.2.1 version bump for bug fix release
New layout
0.2.0 Random initialization should support arbitrary embedding dimension.
Some minor bug fixes, some new features:
- User provided initialisation.
- User provided random seed/state for consistent/reproducible results.
- Verbose output option for progress on long running jobs.
- Cosine RP-tree NN-descent initialisation.