TCL used in VMD has various vec commands. It did not have a vecdiv (a inverse of the vecmul). While not nesisarily the most useful, it's an atempt to get my feet wet in expanding my coding.
vecdiv {1.0 2.0 3.0} {2.0 2.0 2.0}
0.5 1.0 1.5
This script needs further clean up!
To build;
$ tar xf qwrap.tar.gz
# update the PLUGINDIR var in Makefile
$ make
$ make install
- More testing is required. This will work with lists produced from atomselect commands
- I have not fixed the load path, it will need to be called from the the local local/vmd-1.9.X/vmd/plugins/LINUXAMD64/tcl/vecdiv1.0/ directory
- The lrepeat function is not compatable with vecdiv, I am unsure why at this time
- Most of this code is based on and !