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Task Effort Running Notes (EEG)

wasita edited this page Mar 3, 2020 · 4 revisions

Setting Port in Cloned Repository Version

  • Trigger event codes are set in both:
  1. /src/config/trigger.js
  2. /public/config/trigger.js
  • Default port name is set in /public/config/trigger.js under comName. But you do not need to edit this. 'COM7' is a default value.

Setting Port in Installer/App Version

In order to get the task sending triggers in your respective setup, you should create an environment variable named COMNAME and set the value to whatever your serial port name is (e.g. for us that is COM7). And then run the task via the installers on the releases page (i.e. no need to use npm to run the task).