Artpano (artificial panoramas) takes elevation data from SRTM/NASA or viewfinderpanoramas as well as data about peak names and elevations and coastlines from openstreetmap.
Using the elevation data and a user-chosen position + direction a panorama is generated and labelled using the openstreemap data.
mkdir build;
cd build;
cmake ..;
An example from Liptovsky Mikulas/Slovakia:
./ --lat 49.07980 --lon 19.62611 --view-dir-h 230 --view-width 290 --view-dir-v 8 --range 40000 --canvas-height 1000 --canvas-width 10000
An example from Zurich/Switzerland:
./ --lat 47.38242 --lon 8.56752 --view-dir-h 270 --view-width 70 --range 110000 --canvas-height 1700 --canvas-width 5000
Similar or related functionality can be found at viewfinderpanoramas (+ a lot of useful information/data), peakfinder (+ a great app), or heywhatsthat.