I have an LED lamp by Paulmann where the brightness and colour temperature are adjustable with either a smartphone app or a dedicated remote control. When switching it off and on, it loses its state and resets to max brightness / min colour temperature. If I wanted to enjoy 2700 K, I would have bought candles.
I don't think a telephone is a suitable HID for a lamp and long term support is an open question. I also don't want an additional piece of hardware lying around. In either case, resetting the colour temperature whenever switching a lamp on is inconvenient. Very. Instead, it would be nice to automatically follow a colour profile during the course of a day (higher temperature during daytime / early evening and lower towards the late evening). This should happen automatically, for example using a cron job.
After setting the correct lamp address and pwd:
./bluetooth-expect.py <brightness> <colour temp>
where the brightness is an integer between 2..100 and the colour temperature is an integer between 2700..6500 (even though the box says 2700..6000).
The lamp seems to be extremely sensitive towards multiple open connections. It can be required to close + exit the telephone app to avoid interference.