After checking this out there are 2 scripts to run,
is executed these should be checked into a projects folder and then symlinkd into your home folder.
The post-checkout script sets up a few dependencies:
- It installs Homebrew
- It installs Brewdle
After these dependencies have been met it uses Brewdle to install everything listed in .bin/Brewdle. A few key mentions:
- Emacs - my code editor
- POW - My dev server of choice. Considering
- Anvil - Nice app for managing POW
- Postgres - I install both and postgres server.
- TMUX - gotta have it
- Iterm2 - best terminal
- rsense - ruby code completion ;)
- ctags - I have them actually working. IN EMACS. double ;)
- The silver searcher - faster than grep or ack by magnitudes.
- Chrome and Firefox - my development browsers
- Evernote - will eventually change to org-mode
- BetterTouchTool - best window snap tool yet
- RecordIt - best way to report issues. Animated Gif screencasts :)
NVM - Node version manager.Replaced withbrew tap Homebrew/homebrew-versions && brew install node010
chmod +x && ./
- Symlink all things needed into ~/ (i.e. .bash_profile, .bash_rc, .bin, etc.)
After the symlinks have been set, execute
. The purpose of this file is to configure RBENV, POW, NVM, TMuxinator, and NPM installs a few development environment dependencies, tern
, jsxhint
, jshint
chmod +x
#After install steps
- At the very least, Rsense needs setup. After symlinking
run the following:ruby /usr/local/Cellar/rsense/0.3/libexec/etc/config.rb >> .rsense