Which socioeconomic ideology got a man into orbit first?
Main Computer
- Teensy 3.2, 90 MHz single-core, 2 kB ROM
- Tracks vehicle state with BNO055 IMU and BMP085 barometer
- Deploys forward canards
- Fires recovery pyros
- Sends periodic telemetry packets to auxiliary computer
Auxiliary Computer
- Teensy 3.2, 90 MHz single-core, 2 kB ROM
- Operates Adafruit Ultimate GPS
- Operates RadioHead RF95 module communicating with ground station
- Stores telemetry received from main computer on onboard SD card
- Adafruit BNO055 driver
- Adafruit BMP085 driver
- Adafruit GPS driver
- Adafruit Unified Sensor driver
- sac2020_lib (included in repository)
- Photic