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loudoweb edited this page Aug 16, 2016 · 3 revisions

dependency: haxelib install openfl haxelib install tilelayer for openfl 3 | 'haxelib install openfl-atlas' for openfl >= 4.0.2

You can use many different atlases. SpriterHaxeEngine generates Tilesheet from:


Custom Sparrow tilesheet definition xml. Has smaller tags and attributes name and use positive value for FrameX/FrameY

Create the xml with TexturePacker: In TexturePacker preferences, set texturePackerExporter folder as your custom exporter directory or copy spriterhaxeengine folder to your custom exporter directory.

Parse the xml to use in your project:

 AtlasUtil.getCustomSparrowTilesheet(atlasImage, xml);//openfl 3
 new SpriterTileSet(atlasImage, xml);//openfl 4 (with [openfl-atlas]( dependency)


Allow to use the json file exported from Spriter.

 AtlasUtil.getSpriterTilesheet(atlasImage, json);//openfl 3
 //coming soon to openfl 4 with openfl-atlas dependency
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