The complex and interesting GitLab CIs cases that I had to build in my career.
Case: A repository consists of a backend API application source code including CDK code to provision the application's resources on AWS. The application has a Dockerfile and is hosted in the AWS ECS Cluster.
The CI must do the following things:
- Build Docker Image and upload it to AWS ECR;
- Run CDK code to provision the application's resources on AWS using IAM Role;
- Trigger ECS Task Definition to launch new containers with the updated image;
AWS Services are used in the CI:
- IAM Identity Provider - assuming CI IAM Role via GitLab OpenID Connect;
- AWS CDK - provisioning;
- AWS ECR - docker image registry;
- AWS ECS - task definition update;
CI Environment Variables:
) - CDK .env file contents
Case: A repository consists of a frontend application source code including CDK code to provision the application's resources on AWS. The application is hosted on AWS CloudFront + S3 Bucket as an origin.
The CI must do the following things:
- Run CDK code to provision the application's resources on AWS using IAM Role;
- Install dependencies and build an application;
- Upload the built to S3 Bucket;
- Create CloudFront cache invalidation;
AWS Services are used in the CI:
- IAM Identity Provider - assuming CI IAM Role via GitLab OpenID Connect;
- AWS CDK - provisioning;
- AWS CloudFront - distribution;
- AWS S3 Bucket - storage for static files;
CI Environment Variables:
) - CDK .env file contents