To be connected with API (Arel and Lpmng-core and Stripe), you have to edit 3 files:
- config/keyArel.json
- config/keyCore.json
- config/keyStripe.json
docker-compose up
$ python3 -m venv env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python makemigrations peytalaneApp
$ python migrate peytalaneApp
if you want to edit stylesheet:
$ sudo npm install -g bower
$ bower install
$ sudo npm install -g sass
$ python createsuperuser --username <user_in_the_core>
Then type the password of this user.
$ python runserver
$ sass scss/main.scss peytalaneApp/static/peytalaneApp/style.min.css --style compressed
- add session in the core
- Add a button to export food reservation into a clean csv file ~ok
- Add a page with the summary of all user's transactions
- Add some screenshots in the readme ;)
- Update the style to be reponsive
- choose payment online or payment on-site ?