Arduino sketch for a crawling quadruped (4 legs with 3 servos each) spider robot with IR remote control, ultrasonic distance sensor, neopixel headlights, a beeper and HC-05 based bluetooth uplink.
Before compiling the code for an Arduino Nana (328p) target make sure that the following libraries are installed:
- Servo by Michael Margolis
- FlexiTimer2 by Wim Leers
- NewPing by Tim Eckel (for optional Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04)
- EasyNeoPixels by Evelyn Masso (for optional Neopixel Headlights)
- NeoSWSerial by SlashDevin (for optional attiny85 IR decoder board)
All libraries but FlexiTimer2 can be downloaded using the Arduino IDE library manager.
For a brief but probably incomplete history of the quadruped spider robot codebase originally published by SunFounder in 2015 please refer to this summary.
Pull requests are welcome! For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Some parts of the software were published under the MIT license others under the GPLv3.
Please check the source files for details.