The goal of this project is to provide a set of tools able to transform hardware execution traces into formats more suitable for integration into other tools.
_ text
+------------------+ +------------------+ /
input trace ----> | wakare-extractor | --> protobuf stream --> | wakare-converter | --
+------------------+ +------------------+ \_ sqlite
The first step of the process is to record an execution trace. For this purpose we use the perf tool as it is able to interact with hardware based tracing interfaces. For now only Intel Processor Trace traces captured by perf are supported. We can capture using the following command:
$ perf record -e intel_pt//u prog <args...>
Sometimes traces are dropped. The script tries to minimize this by applying a few optimizations (needs root).
# ./scripts/
Wakare-extractor is the program responsible for extracting intel pt traces from files, gathering branch information and writing the result to a protobuf file.
Wakare-converter uses the protobuf file generated by wakare-extractor and converts it to formats more suitable for integration with other tools. For now wakare-converter supports two different output formats, sqlite and text.
Traces produced by the tool contain the following pieces of information:
- Branches:
- Type:
- Jump
- Indirect jump
- Conditional jump
- Call
- Indirect call
- Source address
- Destination address
- Type:
- Executable mappings:
- Address range
- File path
- Basic blocks:
- Address
- Hitcount
For now the project has a few limitations:
- Only supports Linux x86_64
- No support for programs using multiple cores/threads
Plugins for disassemblers can be found in the plugins/
All dependencies can be installed through your package manager of choice. The only exception is libipt which needs to be built from source. Once all dependencies are installed you can build as follows:
$ cmake .
$ make
Additionally some sample programs are provided and traces in all formats can be generated by running:
- protobuf
- capstone
- libipt
- sqlite3
- gflags
- cmake