This is a general typescript package with useful functions and some general abstract react components
Return a boolean value based on item
- non objects:
- item !== null
- item !== undefined
- objects:
- Object.keys(item).length > 0 || (!!item.length && item.length > 0)
exists('') //true
exists({}) //false
exists({a: 'a'}) //true
exists([]) //false
exists(['']) //true
Return if value is null or undefined
isNullable(null) // true
isNullable(undefined) // true
isNullable('') // false
orderArrayOfObjects: <T extends object>(arrayOfObjects: T[]) => { by: (keys: keyof T) => { asc: () => T[], desc: () => T[] }}
Sorts items based on specified key and chosen order (asc: ascendent | desc: descendent)
type MyObjectType = {
id: number,
name: string
const myArrayOfMyObjects: MyObjectType[] = [
id: 1,
name: 'asd'
id: 2,
name: 'asd2'
orderArrayOfObjects(myArrayOfMyObjects).by('id').desc() //[{id: 2, name: 'asd2'}, {id: 1, name: 'asd'}]
orderArrayOfObjects(myArrayOfMyObjects).by('name').asc() //[{id: 1, name: 'asd'}, {id: 2, name: 'asd2'}]
Receives a promise and an optional callback function Returns an array with two position, if the promise resolves the fisrt position comes with the result and the second comes null, if the promise fails the first position comes null and the second comes with the error, and if you pass a callback it will be executed in either cases
const [result, error] = await handlePromise(callToAPI())
return null
Receives a sequence of promises Returns an array with two position, if the promise resolves the fisrt position comes with the result and the second comes null, if the promise fails the first position comes null and the second comes with the error.
stackFlexColumn: (horizontalAlignment: AlignItems = 'center', verticalAlginment: JustifyContent = 'center') => void
Returns properties for the Stack MUI Component <flexDirection: "column">
stackFlexRow: (horizontalAlignment: JustifyContent = 'center', verticalAlginment: AlignItems = 'center') => void
Returns properties for the Stack MUI Component <flexDirection: "row">
flexColumn: (horizontalAlignment: AlignItems = 'center', verticalAlginment: JustifyContent = 'center') => void
Returns properties for custom styles <flexDirection: "column"> (SxProps | React.CSSProperties)
flexRow: (horizontalAlignment: JustifyContent = 'center', verticalAlginment: AlignItems = 'center') => void
Returns properties for custom styles <flexDirection: "row"> (SxProps | React.CSSProperties)
Returns pixels of window width, where value is the percentage
*Is like the vw unit in CSS
// In a 1280x720 window
vw(100) // 1280
vw(50) // 640
Returns pixels of window width, where value is the percentage
*Is like the vh unit in CSS
// In a 1280x720 window
vw(100) // 720
vw(120) // 864