- Install docker !!!
- Easiest option is Download Docker Desktop -> https://www.docker.com/
- Docker setup - wait till all containers are running
cd docker_symfony
docker-compose up -d --build
- Run command to enter into docker console
docker-compose exec php /bin/bash
- Run command to install packages
composer install
- Update after composer.json changes
composer update
- Run command to create migrations after updating Models/Entities
symfony console doctrine:migration:diff | symfony console doctrine:migrations:generate
- Run command to run migration scripts
symfony console doctrine:migrations:migrate
Proceed steps 1. 2. 3. 6.
Go to http://localhost:8080/author/ and add one author
in code are all Author linked to row id 1(first user) due to excluded login functionality
not working without created user
After that go to http://localhost:8080/post/ and do your magic
all the links are self explanatory