The goal of this code challenge is to create a microserviceTest APP using Java and Docker Containers using a PostgreSQL Database. See Requirements|App to be Developed and Tested on Content.
It is highly recommended to follow the steps in the order indicated on this page. Special attention on PostgreSQL Database, that has to be created before running APPs. Also Initial scripts for DB setup. If any question or suggestion, please write to me: [email protected]
- [Home] (
- Requirements|App to be Developed and Tested
- Apps and projects developed
- Apps and tools used
- Eclipse environment
- Local Apache Tomcat
- Apache Tomcat on Docker
- PostgreSQL Database 9.6
- Account API TEST
- Account Transaction API TEST
- WEB TESTS (future)
- Comments
Technologies stack: Java, Spring, Maven, Hibernate, PostgreSQL, JUnit, Log4j, Jetty, Tomcat, HTML, CSS.