Implementation of basic mathematical pattern recognition/machine learning techniques for fun
- Download with pip
pip install MLplayground
- Download with git
git clone
- ⭐ Support Vector Classifier (SVC) - (Math Derivaton)
- 😃 Support Vector Regressor (SVR) - (Math Derivaton)
- 🔢 Ridge Regression - (Math Derivaton)
- 🎓 Nearest Mean - (Math Derivaton)
- 📕 K-Means - (Math Derivaton)
- 📗 K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) - (Math Derivaton)
- 👀 Perceptron Learning - (Math Derivaton)
- 📷 MSE techniques (classification&Regression) - (Math Derivaton)
- 🀄 Density Estimation (Non-parametric) - (Math Derivaton)
- 👥 Density Estimation (parametric) - (Math Derivaton)
- 📊 ANN - (Math Derivaton)
- 🐍 PCA - (Math Derivaton)
Training time on Colab of multiple implementation of CNN with parameters: epochs=20, batch=2.
Model / Dataset (imgs) | Loops CPU (s/epoch) |
NumPy CPU (s/epoch) |
CuPy GPU (s/epoch) |
Loops+Numba CPU (s/epoch) |
Img2col CPU (s/epoch) |
Img2col+Numba CPU (s/epoch) |
Baseline / Digits (1k) | 255 | 24 | 19 | 2 | 2 | 1.5 |
Lenet / Digits (1k) | 464 | 72 | 63 | 4.5 | 4 | 4 |
Lenet / Cifar-10 (100) | 184.5 | 13.5 | 12 | 0.9 | 0.6 | 0.7 |
Junior versions
Senior versions: Include both batch & channel
- 💬 CNN 3.0 - NumPy Array accelerated
- 🔭 CNN loops - Loops + Numba accelerated
- ✨ CNN img2col - Img2col Function accelerated
Math Derivation
- 🏄 Digit Recognizer
- 🎆 Auto Encoder
- ✏️ Neural Network Language Model (NNLM) - (Model Structure)
- 💡 Word2Vec (Skip-gram) - (Model Structure)
- 📣 Autograd
- Learrning rate decay can be easily added to ANN while training because of the design of optimization operation
- Relu derivative of D_relu(x==0) could be in [0, 1]
- add cross entropy loss (multi-class case)
- change default initialization from uniform(0, 1) to normal(0, 0.1)
- (Optional) weight initialization: He or Xavier normal
- (Optional) Batch normalization
For decomposition
- Do X - np.mean(X, axis=0) to data before PCA transform (Align to origin, which is how sklearn did)
For New
- Add GMM(EM steps)
- Add CART(single decision tree)
- Add logistic regression
- Add Lasso regression
- (Optional) General Bridge Regression
- Add LMS for singal processing
- (Optional) Gaussian Process Regression