Command Line:
sbt "run monad"
sbt "run applicative"
Launch app.Main
Given two Twitter accounts, determine which one has the most followers
who have tweeted in the last week. Then return a url in the form
. Note that this endpoint
does not exist, but assume later we might develop one.
A solution has been provided (loosely based on the interpreter pattern at REA). However the solution has some limitations.
Note that some of the valid code in this solution will be highlighted by intellij as having structural issues. Especially around the case statement in the interpreter.
Intellij also gets confused by the |@|
operator when combining
applicatives. Any alternative is to use Apply[M].map2(a, b)(handleBoth)
The problem makes use of Monix tasks as an abstraction over Scala Future. Monix has been used as it cleanly separates the intention of asynchronous execution from the actual execution. A Scala Future does not provide this level of flexibility.
We have defined a single top level ADT which becomes bloated with all possible operations. A single top level interpreters needs to concern itself with all operations.
All side effects are monadic. A monad defines flatMap (aka Bind) as:
trait Monad[A] {
def flatMap[B](f: A => F[B]): F[B]
So when doing
for {
lukeFollowers <- getFollowers("lukestephenson")
composeFollowers <- getFollowers("composemelbourne")
} yield ()
Even though there is no logical dependency between the two lookups for followers, the monadic chaining introduces one.
Given there is no logical dependency between the two lookups, our logic should ideally reflect that.
Tackle either of the above.
For problem 1 refer to under the heading Composing Free monads ADTs.
For problem 2, see
Note that you will still need monadic composition as well (to fetch the
most recent tweet for each follower).
For this problem, there is a branch free-applicative
to use as a
starting point.