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@JasperTey JasperTey released this 23 Nov 06:24

🔥 1.2 is a major update with several new features and breaking changes (for some). Use php artisan ddd:config update to rebuild your existing config file according to the latest version, and be sure to review the Upgrade Guide for full details about upgrading from 1.1.x.

[1.2.0] - 2024-11-23


  • Stubs are now published to base_path('stubs/ddd') instead of resource_path('stubs/ddd'). In other words, they are now co-located alongside the framework's published stubs, within a ddd subfolder.
  • Published stubs now use .stub extension instead of .php.stub (following Laravel's convention).
  • If you are using published stubs from pre 1.2, you will need to refactor your stubs accordingly.


  • Support for the Application Layer, to generate domain-specific objects that don't belong directly in the domain layer:
    // In config/ddd.php
    'application_path' => 'app/Modules',
    'application_namespace' => 'App\Modules',
    'application_objects' => [
  • Support for Custom Layers, additional top-level namespaces of your choosing, such as Infrastructure, Integrations, etc.:
    // In config/ddd.php
    'layers' => [
        'Infrastructure' => 'src/Infrastructure',
  • Added config utility command ddd:config to help manage the package's configuration over time.
  • Added stub utility command ddd:stub to publish one or more stubs selectively.
  • Added ddd:controller to generate domain-specific controllers.
  • Added ddd:request to generate domain-spefic requests.
  • Added ddd:middleware to generate domain-specific middleware.
  • Added ddd:migration to generate domain migrations.
  • Added ddd:seeder to generate domain seeders.
  • Added ddd:stub to manage stubs.
  • Migration folders across domains will be registered and scanned when running php artisan migrate, in addition to the standard application database/migrations path.
  • Ability to customize generator object naming conventions with your own logic using DDD::resolveObjectSchemaUsing().


  • ddd:model now extends Laravel's native make:model and inherits all standard options:
    • --migration|-m
    • --factory|-f
    • --seed|-s
    • --controller --resource --requests|-crR
    • --policy
    • -mfsc
    • --all|-a
    • --pivot|-p
  • ddd:cache is now ddd:optimize (ddd:cache is still available as an alias).
  • Since Laravel 11.27.1, the framework's optimize and optimize:clear commands will automatically invoke ddd:optimize (ddd:cache) and ddd:clear respectively.


  • Domain base models are no longer required by default, and config('ddd.base_model') is now null by default.
  • Stubs are no longer published via php artisan vendor:publish --tag="ddd-stubs". Instead, use php artisan ddd:stub to manage them.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.1.3...v1.2.0