Package of Human Brain Project (HBP) Cerebellum models.
This repository contains cerebellum models developed by the cerebellum team led by Prof. Egidio D’Angelo at the Human Brain Project.
Dependant packages (versions based on 31 August 2017):
- NEURON (tested on Release 7.4 (1370:16a7055d4a86) 2015-11-09)
- Numpy (tested on 1.11.0)
- NEO (tested on 0.5.1)
- Elephant (tested on 0.4.1)
- Quantities (tested on 0.12.1)
- Matplotlib (tested on 1.5.1)
- To start using first:
git clone
cd hbp-cerebellum-models
- To see the models import the
from models import model_manager as mm
The models in the hbp-cerebellum-models
pack are broken down into three model_scale: cells, microcircuit and network.
To see the names of the cellular models use the model_manager.get_available_models
mm.get_available_models( model_scale="cells" )
- Instantiate a model, say, the cellular model, PC2015Masoli
first import the
from models import cells
Then instantiate the model
pc = cells.PC2015Masoli.PurkinjeCell()
Note: PC2015Masoli is a Purkinje cell. For GrC2001DAngelo which is a Granular cell use the command: grc = cells.GrC2001DAngelo.GranularCell()
Run the instantiated model
The default voltage response
This is the same as
pc.produce_voltage_response( cell_regions=['vm_soma', 'vm_NOR3'])
NB: NOR3 stands for 3rd Node of Ranvier.
The default spike response
This is the same as
pc.produce_spike_train( cell_locations=['vm_soma'], thresh=[0.0] )
NB: Non default example
pc.produce_spike_train( cell_locations=['vm_soma', 'NOR3'], thresh=[0.0, -1.0] )
To visualize the results first import the
from models import plot_manager as pm
Then to visualize the spikes
pm.visualize_spikes( model_name="PC2015Masoli", region_of_interest="vm_soma" )
or visualize the voltage response
pm.visualize_voltages( model_name="PC2015Masoli", region_of_interest="vm_soma" )
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