docker pull immaterium/it5007_a0211264u_lim-xuan-ping:0.04 (from https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/immaterium/it5007_a0211264u_lim-xuan-ping, look for tag v0.04)
docker run -p 3000:3000 -p 8000:8000 -dit --privileged immaterium/it5007_a0211264u_lim-xuan-ping:v0.04 /sbin/init (it is unsafe to run as --privileged container)
docker ps -a (check name of container_started)
docker exec -it < container_started > /bin/bash
in container with mongodb, in home directory, run git clone https://github.com/lwinxp/o2o-business-collaboration-app.git project root directory created
Attach VSCode to the container that you have cloned the repo to, and open project root directory on VSCode (install VSCode docker extension for this)
open window 1, from project root directory, run cd api npm install
open window 2, from project root directory, run cd ui npm install
In api/scripts/init.mongo.js, change the email addresses which are marked with comment “replace with your own email 1” and “replace with your own email 2”, to your own Google emails, so that you will be able to view them with your Google login. 2 Google emails are needed.
in api folder (window 1), run mongo omni scripts/init.mongo.js
in api folder (window 1), run npm start
browser open graphQL interface to confirm that it is running localhost:3000/graphql
in ui folder (window 2), run npx webpack -w --config webpack.serverHMR.js then ctrl+c to end process
in ui folder (window 2), run npm run dev-all (please give a moment for bundle and compilation to complete)
browser open localhost:8000, confirm frontend showing, login button for google account login
- To test “happy path” transaction of the application, do not use seeded data, instead
With Google account 1
- a. Create 1 offline profile in “Your Offline Profiles” with all fields filled
- b. The new offline profile should be viewable in “Browse Offline Profiles”
Switch to Google account 2
- a. The new offline profile should be viewable in “Browse Offline Profiles”
- b. The new offline profile should show a Create Storage Collaboration button
- c. Create 1 Storage Collaboration with all fields filled and submit
Switch to Google account 1
- a. The new Storage Collaboration should be viewable in “Your Storage Collaborations”
- b. The new Storage Collaboration should show Accept and Reject buttons
- c. Accept the Storage Collaboration
- d. The new offline profile will reflect new available storage and cold storage volumes after accounting for the new Storage Collaboration (For seeking field, always select Storage option)
- If Google log in modal button is not active, refresh page, ensure URL is localhost:8000 - If logo display is unclear, navigate to another URL link and refresh the page
- If any fields become unclear after an action, refresh the page