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do not use /dev/tty if the backend program is Neovim
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lyokha committed May 9, 2024
1 parent ad698d0 commit cfecca8
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Showing 3 changed files with 70 additions and 36 deletions.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions pandoc/haskell/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@

- Improvement after the previous release: do not use */dev/tty* if the backend
program is Neovim. The backend's flavor gets detected by testing against
*has("nvim")* once at the first call.
- As well, both the vim executable and the effective vim configuration file get
detected once at the first call.


- Do not throw the error if */dev/tty* cannot be open. Note that Neovim loads
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion pandoc/haskell/pandoc-vimhl.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: pandoc-vimhl
synopsis: Pandoc filter for native Vim code highlighting
description: Pandoc filter for native Vim code highlighting
in HTML and PDF documents. Requires Vim (or Neovim) and plugin
Expand Down
96 changes: 61 additions & 35 deletions pandoc/haskell/vimhl.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.JSON
import System.IO (IOMode (WriteMode), openFile, hFlush)
import System.IO.Temp
import System.IO.Error
import System.IO.Unsafe
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
import System.Directory
import System.Directory.Internal (andM)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -45,43 +46,35 @@ vimHl (Just fm@(Format fmt)) (CodeBlock (_, cls@(ft : _), namevals) contents)
cmd (x, y) = mkCmd x y
mkCmd x y = "--cmd 'let g:" ++ x ++ " = \"" ++ y ++ "\"'"
strip = dropWhileEnd isSpace . dropWhile isSpace
vimrccmd <- do
home <- getHomeDirectory `catchIOError` const (return "")
vimrc <- fromMaybe (home </> ".vimrc.pandoc") <$>
lookupEnv "VIMRC_PANDOC"
let exists = doesFileExist &&> (fmap readable . getPermissions)
(&&>) = liftM2 andM
(<<$) = liftM2 (<$>)
(bool "" . ("--noplugin -u '" ++) . (++ "'")) <<$ exists $ vimrc
block <- withSystemTempFile "_vimhl_src." $ \src hsrc -> do
T.hPutStr hsrc contents >> hFlush hsrc
bracket (emptySystemTempFile "_vimhl_dst.") removeFile $
\dst -> do
vimexe <- fromMaybe "vim" <$> lookupEnv "VIMHL_BACKEND"
let vimcmd =
[vimexe, "-Nen", cmds, vimrccmd, colorscheme
,"-c 'set ft=" ++ T.unpack ft, "|"
,vimhlcmd ++ "' -c 'w!", dst ++ "' -c 'qa!'"
{- Vim must think that it was launched from a terminal,
- otherwise it won't load its usual environment and the
- syntax engine! Using WriteMode for stdin prevents Vim
- from getting unresponsive on Ctrl-C interrupts while
- still doing well its task (Vim checks that input is a
- terminal using isatty(), however it does not check the
- mode of the handle). Note that Neovim loads the syntax
- engine without tty emulation just fine. -}
hin <- (Just <$> openFile "/dev/tty" WriteMode)
`catchIOError` const (return Nothing)
hout <- openFile "/dev/null" WriteMode
(_, _, _, handle) <- createProcess $
let cmd = (shell vimcmd) {std_out = UseHandle hout}
in maybe cmd (\h -> cmd {std_in = UseHandle h}) hin
r <- waitForProcess handle
unless (r == ExitSuccess) $ exitWith r
T.readFile dst
bracket (emptySystemTempFile "_vimhl_dst.") removeFile $ \dst -> do
let vimrccmd = maybe "" (("--noplugin -u '" ++) . (++ "'"))
vimcmd = unwords
[vimExe, "-Nen", cmds, vimrccmd, colorscheme
,"-c 'set ft=" ++ T.unpack ft, "|"
,vimhlcmd ++ "' -c 'w!", dst ++ "' -c 'qa!'"
{- Vim must think that it has been launched from a terminal,
- otherwise it won't load its usual environment and the syntax
- engine! Using WriteMode for stdin prevents Vim from getting
- unresponsive on Ctrl-C interrupts while it still keeps doing
- well its task (Vim checks that input is a terminal using
- isatty(), however it does not check the mode of the handle).
- Note that Neovim loads the syntax engine without tty
- emulation just fine. -}
hin <- if vimExeIsNvim
then return Nothing
else Just <$> openFile "/dev/tty" WriteMode
hout <- openFile "/dev/null" WriteMode
(_, _, _, handle) <- createProcess $
let cmd = (shell vimcmd) {std_out = UseHandle hout}
in maybe cmd (\h -> cmd {std_in = UseHandle h}) hin
r <- waitForProcess handle
unless (r == ExitSuccess) $ exitWith r
T.readFile dst
return $ RawBlock fm' $ wrap fm block
where namevals' = map (map toLower . T.unpack *** T.unpack) namevals
fm' | fm == Format "latex" = fm
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -113,6 +106,39 @@ vimHl (Just fm@(Format fmt)) (CodeBlock (_, cls@(ft : _), namevals) contents)
| otherwise = t
vimHl _ cb = return cb

vimExe :: String
vimExe = unsafePerformIO $ fromMaybe "vim" <$> lookupEnv "VIMHL_BACKEND"
{-# NOINLINE vimExe #-}

vimExeIsNvim :: Bool
vimExeIsNvim = unsafePerformIO $
bracket (emptySystemTempFile "_vimhl_test.") removeFile $ \test -> do
let vimcmd = unwords
,"-Nens --noplugin -u NONE \
\-c 'if has(\"nvim\") | exe \"normal i1\" | endif' -c wq"
hout <- openFile "/dev/null" WriteMode
(_, _, _, handle) <- createProcess $
(shell vimcmd) {std_out = UseHandle hout}
r <- waitForProcess handle
unless (r == ExitSuccess) $ exitWith r
maybe False (('1' ==) . fst) . T.uncons <$> T.readFile test
{-# NOINLINE vimExeIsNvim #-}

vimrcPandoc :: Maybe String
vimrcPandoc = unsafePerformIO $ lookupEnv "VIMRC_PANDOC" >>=
maybe (do
home <- getHomeDirectory `catchIOError` const (return "")
let vimrc = home </> ".vimrc.pandoc"
exists = doesFileExist &&> (fmap readable . getPermissions)
(&&>) = liftM2 andM
(<<$) = liftM2 (<$>)
(bool Nothing . Just) <<$ exists $ vimrc
) (return . Just)
{-# NOINLINE vimrcPandoc #-}

main :: IO ()
main = toJSONFilter vimHl

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