- PGP1 is the first genome of the Personal Genome Project (PGP).
- The latest manuscript of the genome assembly was uploaded to the BioRxiv (https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.09.03.458806).
- Public profile : https://my.pgp-hms.org/profile_public?hex=hu43860C
- Cell line information : https://web.expasy.org/cellosaurus/CVCL_F182
- Hybrid assembly : An assembly of corrected ONT reads by PacBio HiFi
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/JAHRGN000000000.1
- PacBio HiFi based, hybrid assembly with PromethION : In processing
- Methods : https://github.com/macarima/PGP1_genome_project/blob/main/Method_v2.0.md
- Results : https://github.com/macarima/PGP1_genome_project/blob/main/Results_v2.md
A total of 49.5 Gb of data (27x coverage) is available at NCBI Genbank.
A total of 255 GB of data (85x coverage) in four PromethION R9.4.1 libraries is available at NCBI Genbank.
About 32x of data was generated with 500 bp of insert size on a NovaSeq platform.
The data is available at NCBI Genbank.
A Hi-C library was constructed by Arima-Genomics' HiC kit and sequenced on a NovaSeq platform.
The sequencing depth of data is about 109x and the data is available at NCBI Genbank.