✉️ Email : [email protected]
In this project, Nuxt 3 was used with Vue3 composition API in the frontend part. Tailwind css is used as the UI library. Firebase and Firestore were used in the authentication and store parts of the project. The project is a task management application. There is a dashboard page in the project and you can see your current projects, remaining tasks or tasks you have done on this page. Apart from this, you earn the points specified in the task for each completed task. New tasks are added only after admin login.
To get started you can simply clone this Vue-Nuxt3-Kanban-Project.git
repository and install the dependencies.
Clone the Vue-Nuxt3-Kanban-Project.git
repository using git:
git clone https://github.com/emircandemr/Vue-Nuxt3-Kanban-Project.git
cd Vue-Nuxt3-Kanban-Project
Make sure to install the dependencies:
# yarn
yarn install
# npm
npm install
# pnpm
pnpm install --shamefully-hoist
Look at the nuxt 3 documentation to learn more.
Start the development server on http://localhost:3000
npm run dev
Build the application for production:
npm run build
Locally preview production build:
npm run preview
Checkout the deployment documentation for more information.