Enables React development with Typescript featuring Hot Module Replacement and CSS modules.
Based on react-transform-boilerplate
Integrates following technologies:
- Webpack
- Typescript
- React
- Sass - (To replace extension in line 32 and sass-loader in line 33 of webpack.config.*.js)
- CSS Modules
To import Sass files in JS use the require function instead of ES2015 import syntax, due to conflicts with typescripts module checking.
- react-transform-hmr - enables hot reloading react components
- react-transform-catch-errors - catches errors inside
For convenience they are packed in a single preset called react-transform-hmre but you can make your own.
Syntax errors are displayed in an overlay using @glenjamin’s webpack-hot-middleware, which replaces Webpack Dev Server. This project does not use React Hot Loader.
git clone https://github.com/gaearon/react-transform-boilerplate.git
cd react-transform-boilerplate
npm install
npm start
open http://localhost:3000
Proxying another project:
git clone https://github.com/gaearon/react-transform-boilerplate.git
cd react-transform-boilerplate
npm install
npm start -- --proxyTarget http://yourdomain.tld
open http://localhost:3000
and integrate script reference to http://localhost:3000/static/bundle.js in the proxied project in dev mode.
You can discuss React Transform and related projects in #react-transform channel on Reactiflux Discord.
CC0 (public domain)