It is created by:
- Carlos Tomé Cortiñas - 5794854
- Marinus Oosters - 3370798
- Martijn Fleuren - 5666163
- Matthew Swart - 5597250
For building the project we recommend to use stack
but use cabal
at your own
In order to run the testsuit use stack test
. May be warned that the test using
the simulator takes considerable time to run.
Spec.hs: This file is used to test our Quickcheck properties. In the first one we test if the generated code is valid. The second checks if the optimized code is still valid. In the last we check if the final state of the similulor is the same for the optimized code and the original code.
Spec/Optimization.hs: This file contains random generation of optimizations for testing purposes.
Abstraction.hs: In this file we define several higher-order combinators and a Bool-like language to have a even more abstract DSL. Everything is built from the basic combinators in Ant/Monad.hs but. This allows the DSL programs to be written in a more fashionable way.
Simulator.hs: This is an interface for the original Simulator to be able to be used for Genetic/Testing purposes.
Strategy.hs: In this file we implemented our strategy.
Arbitrary.hs: Random generation of sized Ant programs for Genetic/Testing purposes.
Base.hs: In this file is the original DSL of instructions.
Monad.hs: This file is the meat of the project where we define the AntT monad and the basic combinators of our EDSL.
Optimization.hs: This file contains the optimization functions that we implemented and everything related to it.
Evolve.hs: Module for producing lists of random programs of arbitrary length. The structure will be searched for the best program which is then kept. Standalone module.