- In ES5 way
const createBooking = function (flightNum, numPassengers, price) { //ES5 numPassengers = numPassengers || 1; price = price || 199; }
- ES6
const createBooking = function (flightNum, numPassengers = 1, price = 199) {}
- Default expressions can contain any expression eg.
etc or even be set to the value of other parameters set before it. - e.g const createBooking = function (flightNum, numPassengers = 1,
price = 199 + numPassengers) {}
numPassengers itself is a parameter
- We can skip params while calling a functions. Its better parsing
on the place of the param. - setting a parameter as
is similar to not even setting it
JavascriptDOES NOT
haveparsing by reference
, onlyparsing by value
- ***-----------------
- Js treats functions as
first-class citizens
- This means that functions are simply treated as values.
- Functions are just another 'type' of object.
- Since objects are values, the functions are values too.
- We can store functions in variables e.g
const add = (a,b) = a + b
. - We can parse methods as arguments to other functions. e.g in
- We can
functions FROM functions - Functions are objects. and since Objects have methods. e.g array methods. There are function methods too- meaning we can call methods on functions
- A function that receives another function as an argument or that returns a new function or both.
- This is only possible because of the first class functions.
const greet = () = console.log('Hey Benson');
- FunctionbtnClose.addEventListener('click',greet)
is the high-order function since it receives thegreet
function.- Function that is parsed in, is called a
function count(){ let counter = 0; return function (){ counter ++; } }
- There are NO
First Class functions
in practice, its just a concept however, there are High-Order Functions
- Makes its easy to split code into chunks of reusable code
- callback functions allow us to create abstraction. - Hiding details of code implimentation.
Original Method
const lufthansa = { airline: 'Lufthansa', iataCode: 'LH', bookings: [], //method book(flightNum, name) { console.log(
${name} booked a seat on ${this.airline} flight ${this.iataCode}${flightNum}); this.bookings.push({ flight:
${this.iataCode}${flightNum}, passengerName: name, }); }, };
Next Method intending to borrow the
method using thecall() method
const swiss = { airline: 'Swiss Air Lines', iataCode: 'LX', bookings: [], };
book.call(swiss, 512, 'Ruth Daphne');
- Works similar to
call() method
. - Difference is
does not receive list of arguments after thethis
keyword. but instead it takes an array of arguments. - Creating an array
const flightData = [583, 'George Cooper'];
- Parse array inside apply method instead of arguments
book.apply(swiss, flightData);
is not very much used in the modern js since there are plenty of tools which can do its job. e.gbook.call(swiss, ...flightData);
can be used instead ofbook.apply(swiss, flightData);
- Allows us to set us the
keyword for any function call - The difference from
call() method
is that,bind() method
does not immediately call the function but instead itreturns new function where the this keyword is bound
. - e.g
returns a new function where thethis
keyword is set toeurowings
const bookEW23 = book.bind(swiss, 23);
bookEW23('Makau Kiongozi');
bookEW23('Purity Mathayo');
const bookMakau = book.bind(swiss, 255, 'Cheregany Maseno');
- Means we can preset parameters.
const addTax = (rate, value) => value + value * rate;
- use bind method to preset rate to always be 20%
const addVAT = addTax.bind(null, 0.23);
- Functions that disappers right after it is called once.
const runOnce = function () { console.log('This will never run again'); };
- The function above can be run once, but another time in future it may be called.
This is NOT IIFE
- We want to execute a function immediately and not even save it anywhere.
- To write a IIFE
(function () { console.log('This will never run again!!'); })();
- We wrap the function under brackets to tell js its an expression, then add
after the brackets to call it.
(() => console.log('This also will never run again'))();
- Not an feature we explicitly use like arrays or function.
- We dont manually create closures, closures simpley happen at certain situations.
- A function always has access to the variable environment of the execution context in which it was created even after after that execution context is gone.
- closure is basically the variable environment attached to the function, exactly as it was at the time and place the function was created.
A closure is the closed over
variable environment
of theexecution context
in which a function was created,even after that execution context is gone.
A closure gives a function access to all the variables of its parent function even after that parent function has returned. The function keeps a reference to its outer scope, which preserves the scope chain throughout time.
A closure makes sure that a function doesnt loose connection to variables that existed at the function's birth place.
A closure is like a backpack that a function carries around whenever it goes. This bagpack has all variables that were present in the environment where the function was created.
Whenever a variable cant be found in the function scope, js looks in the closure and picks it from there.
The method
displays an interactive list of the properties of the specified JavaScript object. The output is presented as a hierarchical listing with disclosure triangles that let you see the contents of child objects. -
In other words,
is the way to see all the properties of a specified JavaScript object in console by which the developer can easily get the properties of the object.
requires 2 parameters, firstfunction
andtime in milliseconds
. See example belowsetTimeout(function () { console.log('Hello, 1 sec is over'); }, 1000);
- The function will be executed after the set time period
- Closures have priority over scope chain.