VIA project:
- Ubuntu 20.04
- ROS 2 Foxy
- camera_info_manager
- image_transport
- Visual Studio Code
- ROS 2: Foxy/Dashing
- Docker
Step 1: Clone source code and Open in container - VS Code
Step 2: Wait for Docker pull and start your contributions
ROS 2 Cheatsheet:
This demo shows how to run VIA Autonomous to control a self-driving car in simulation environment.
Download the Simulation here - Only Linux suppported for now, you can clone the source code and build your simulation for other OSes.
Run the simulation and select a map.
Build all packages
sh scripts/
source install/setup.bash
- Run autonomous stack
ros2 launch via_bringup
This demo shows you how to use VIA generic_camera_node
to capture images from a camera and publish them to a ROS topic.
- Build all packages
sh scripts/
source install/setup.bash
- Launch camera node
ros2 launch generic_camera_node
- Start camera stream
ros2 service call /camera/start std_srvs/srv/Trigger "{}"
- Open image viewer to see the published images
ros2 run rqt_image_view rqt_image_view
- Stop camera stream
ros2 service call /camera/stop std_srvs/srv/Trigger "{}"
Restart ROS 2 deamon:
bash scripts/
Please ensure that you have built the project with sh scripts/
and sourced the installation environment:
source install/setup.bash
This project is co-developed by VIA & AIR.
- VIA Team: [email protected]
- AIR Team: [email protected]