Docker image for running Pentaho 8.3+ jobs on Carte slave servers
The easiest way to use this image is to layer your own changes on-top of it. Do this by creating a Dockerfile to add your requirements This is a fork of chihosin/pentaho-carte, and should get updated once a pull request is completed to incorporate a couple of updates for PDI-8.3 Until then it's using an image from pjaol on dockerhub
Setup a project directory
mkdir myproject
mkdir myproject/transformations
Setup a file based repository Repository Manager > Add > Other Repository > File Based Repository
Develop your transformations and jobs using spoon. Spoon will create a repository file usually <USER_HOME>/.kettle/repository.xml
cd myproject
cp -r <USER_HOME>/.kettle/ kettle
- note the name change in .kettle -> kettle , just to make it easier to work with
Edit kettle/repositories.xml update your base_directory to use /opt/pentaho/repository e.g.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<repository> <id>KettleFileRepository</id>
<description>File repository</description>
</repository> </repositories>
Create a Dockerfile in myproject
#FROM chihosin/pentaho-carte
FROM pjaol/pentaho-carte.git
ADD kettle /opt/pentaho/data-integration/.kettle
ADD transformations /opt/pentaho/repository/transformations
Now build
docker build -t my-pdi-carte .
docker run -rm --name pdi-carte -e SERVER_PASSWD=password -e ADMIN_PASSWD=password -p 7373:7373 my-pdi-carte
This lets carte run on http://localhost:7373/ (username: admin / password: password)
While your docker instance is running Login with bash and access and )
docker exec -it pdi-carte bash
bash-4.3# pwd
bash-4.3# ./ -level Rowlevel -listrep -listdirs
2019/10/09 16:00:41 - Kitchen - Logging is at level : Row Level (very detailed)
2019/10/09 16:00:41 - Kitchen - Start of run.
2019/10/09 16:00:41 - Kitchen - Allocate new job.
2019/10/09 16:00:41 - Kitchen - List of repositories:
2019/10/09 16:00:41 - RepositoriesMeta - No repositories file found in the local directory: /opt/pentaho/data-integration/repositories.xml
2019/10/09 16:00:41 - RepositoriesMeta - Reading repositories XML file: /opt/pentaho/data-integration/.kettle/repositories.xml
2019/10/09 16:00:41 - RepositoriesMeta - We have 0 connections...
2019/10/09 16:00:41 - RepositoriesMeta - We have 1 repositories...
2019/10/09 16:00:41 - RepositoriesMeta - Looking at repository #0
2019/10/09 16:00:41 - RepositoriesMeta - Read at repository: MyRepo
See docker-compose.yml Update to include passwords as necessary
Building the docker instance is time consuming each time, it is faster to build once and mount your transformations. To do this simply use a docker run time volume -v host_dir:server_dir
docker run -v $(pwd)/transformations:/opt/pentaho/repository/transformations -name pdi-carte -e SERVER_PASSWD=password -e ADMIN_PASSWD=password -p 7373:7373 my-pdi-carte