WARNING: this is a work in progress!
A blog for Django projects.
- filebrowser-no-grappelli or filebrowser: http://readthedocs.org/docs/django-filebrowser/en/latest/quickstart.html
- django comments (django.contrib.comments in INSTALLED_APPS)
- django markup (django.contrib.marup in INSTALLED_APPS)
Requirements TODO:
- Remove commenting and markup from project. These should be added only as they are needed
- Allow adding basic blog functionnality very quickly to a Django project
- pip install git+https://github.com/marconius/django-blog@<TAG>
- put blog in INSTALLED_APPS
- currently you need to subclass the Post model and some other tweaking locally. This project will eventually include at least one basic, key-in-hand blog app
- ./manage.py syncdb or ./manage.py migrate
- ./manage.py collectstatic