- Accelerometer and gyroscope not working properly
- Run
pod install
to install depencies (requires cocoapods to be installed). - Open this project in Xcode
- Make sure your Signing & Capabilities settings are correct, change the bundle identifier if needed
- Press run
This application is designed to also have motion data available from JoyCon Controllers and Pro Controllers in the Dolphin emulator on MacOS. If you aren't interested in using the accelerometer and gyro of these controler(s) then this application is not needed, since simple button mapping works straight away with Dolphin.
This app is made to be used with the Dolphin emulator.
Within Dolphin you go to alternative input devices and setup the DSU client to listen to the server running on your computer with port 26760 (you can find your ip address by running something like ifconfig
in a Terminal).
- If using the profile (for JoyCon Right Controller) from this repository place it within the Config folder of Dolhpin:
/Users/username/Library/Application Support/Dolphin/Config/Profiles/Wiimote/joy4macosR.ini
Otherwise, just map it yourself it's very simple.
A lot of this application's code was made possible by looking at an existing DSU server implementation for Joy Con controllers at https://github.com/joaorb64/joycond-cemuhook/tree/master
Also, the specification of the DSU protocol at https://v1993.github.io/cemuhook-protocol/ is of great value
Furthermore, huge thanks to magicien for writing the JoyConSwift library which this simple app heavily relies on.