As self notes:
Udemy course:
Summary of contents:
- Microservices creation with Spring Boot and spring-starters using Maven.
- For IntelliJ, remember using EditStarters plugin for convenience. After that you can modify the Spring starters using the "Generate..." action in pom.xml.
- Using JPA with embedded default H2 database.
- Basic architecture (controller, service, repository) concepts.
- Load balancing using Ribbon library.
- Registry and discovery of services using Spring Eureka.
- Register existing services in eureka, and communicate all of them.
- Overview of Hystrix library for failure and latency tolerance.
- Configuration and usage of Zuul as API gateway.
- Centralizing microservices configuration using Spring Cloud Config. Setup several configurations per environment and refresh on demand.
- CRUD APIs and client using Feign clients and RestTemplate.
- Extract and reuse common code in libraries, removing unnecessary dependencies.
- Implementing authentication and authorization through Spring Cloud security: using OAuth and JWT tokens.
- JWT and OAuth 2 main features.
- Spring Security basics.
- Implementing OAuth2 filtering + protecting specific application resources.
- External relational database usage (MySQL, PostgreSQL)
- Implementing distributed logging using Sleuth + Zipkin server for statistics and analysis of logs.
- Sleuth setup and logging features (grouping of requests, latency analysis)
- Zipkin setup (server and microservices needed configuration)
- Zipkin events persistence in relational database (MySQL)
- Events queuing using RabbitMQ.
- Using docker for distributing and deploying microservices.
- Usage of docker for creating images and containers of each microservices with Dockerfile.
- Usage of existing docker containers for providing services (MySQL, RabbitMQ)