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GitHub Action

Base16 Builder Go


Base16 Builder Go


Base16 Builder Go

Build all the schemes for a template repo


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Base16 Builder Go

uses: tinted-theming/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in tinted-theming/base16-builder-go

Choose a version


A simple builder for base16 templates and schemes.

This currently implements version 0.11.0 of the base16 spec.


Currently version 1.16 or higher of the Go compiler is needed.

Unfortunately, because the schemes are stored in a separate repo, the schemes submodule needs to be cloned before building.

The following command will clone the schemes directory

$ git submodule update --init

Now that the repo is cloned, you can use go build to create a binary. You may wish to update the schemes dir to get new included schemes.


By default, this builder will build the template in the the current directory using the compiled-in schemes. If you want to update schemes independently, you can use the -schemes-dir flag to point to another directory.

Usage of base16-builder-go:
  -schemes-dir string
    	Target directory for scheme data. The default value uses internal schemes. (default "-")
  -template-dir string
    	Target template directory to build. (default ".")
    	Log all debug messages