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GitHub Action

Report NYC coverage


Report NYC coverage


Report NYC coverage

GitHub Action that posts the report in a comment on a GitHub Pull Request from coverage data generated by nyc (istanbul)


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Report NYC coverage

uses: sidx1024/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in sidx1024/report-nyc-coverage-github-action

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GitHub Action: Report NYC coverage

GitHub Action that posts the report in a comment on a GitHub Pull Request from coverage data generated by nyc (istanbul).

See sample comment Sample comment image

Typical Usage

on: [pull_request]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: My App
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
          ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}

      - name: Run tests
        run: npm run test

      - name: Generate NYC report
        run: |
          npx nyc report \
            --reporter json-summary \
            --report-dir nyc-coverage-report \
            --exclude-after-remap false

      - name: Report NYC coverage
        uses: sidx1024/[email protected]
          # Path to coverage output directory generated by "nyc report".
          coverage_output_directory: "nyc-coverage-report"


- uses: sidx1024/[email protected]
    # Path to coverage output directory generated by "nyc report".
    coverage_output_directory: ""

    # Template markdown file to be used for GitHub PR comment. Optional.
    # Default:
    comment_template_file: ""

    # "replace" or "new"
    # Default: replace
    comment_mode: ""

    # An alternative GitHub token, other than the default provided by GitHub Actions
    # runner. Optional.
    # Default: ${{ github.token }}
    github_token: ""

    # Absolute path to the source files. The path will be trimmed from the coverage
    # data. Optional. Default is the github workspace directory with a trailing slash.
    # Default: ${{ format('{0}/', github.workspace) }}
    sources_base_path: ""

    # Specify the order for coverage types to be included in the output table. (S:
    # statements, B: branches, F: functions, L: lines). Missing types will be
    # excluded.
    # Default: SBFL
    files_coverage_table_output_type_order: ""
Input Description Default Required
coverage_output_directory Path to coverage output directory generated by "nyc report". true
comment_template_file Template markdown file to be used for GitHub PR comment. Optional. false
comment_mode "replace" or "new" replace false
github_token An alternative GitHub token, other than the default provided by GitHub Actions runner. Optional. ${{ github.token }} false
sources_base_path Absolute path to the source files. The path will be trimmed from the coverage data. Optional. Default is the github workspace directory with a trailing slash. ${{ format('{0}/', github.workspace) }} false
files_coverage_table_output_type_order Specify the order for coverage types to be included in the output table. (S: statements, B: branches, F: functions, L: lines). Missing types will be excluded. SBFL false
Output Description Default Required
total_lines_coverage_percent Total lines coverage percent (XX.XX%) with level indicator
total_branches_coverage_percent Total branches coverage percent (XX.XX%) with level indicator
total_statements_coverage_percent Total statements coverage percent (XX.XX%) with level indicator
total_functions_coverage_percent Total functions coverage percent (XX.XX%) with level indicator
total_lines_coverage_percent_raw Total lines coverage percent (XX.XX) without percent and level indicator
total_branches_coverage_percent_raw Total branches coverage percent (XX.XX) without percent and level indicator
total_statements_coverage_percent_raw Total statements coverage percent (XX.XX) without percent and level indicator
total_functions_coverage_percent_raw Total functions coverage percent (XX.XX) without percent and level indicator
files_coverage_table HTML table content containing the file path and corresponding coverage percent for all files
changed_files_coverage_table HTML table content containing the file path and corresponding coverage percent for files changed in the PR
comment_body The comment body in HTML format
commit_sha Last commit SHA (commit due to which this action was executed)
short_commit_sha Last commit SHA in shorter format (6ef01b)
commit_link Relative link for the last commit