basmati (BAsin-Scale Model Assessment ToolkIt) is a tool that makes it easy to access the HydroBASINS global dataset of watershed boundaries, and to combine this with meteorological data such as precipitation. A command-line tool makes it easy to download datasets for any geographical region. HydroBASINS datasets are loaded as a geopandas GeoDataFrame
objects, and useful methods are added to this to e.g. find all basins which are upstream of a given basin or select basins of a given area. Utilites are provided to produce 2-dimensional rasters from the basins using rasterio.
Documentation is available at Read the Docs.
An installation guide gives details on how to install basmati. basmati depends on the following packages:
# Download all datasets for Asia (as)
basmati download --dataset ALL -r as
>>> import os
>>> from basmati.hydrosheds import load_hydrobasins_geodataframe
>>> hb_gdf = load_hydrobasins_geodataframe(os.getenv('HYDROSHEDS_DIR'), 'as', [1, 2, 3]) # load levels 1-3
>>> print(hb_gdf[hb_gdf.LEVEL == 2].SUB_AREA.max())
See the quickstart guide for more examples.