This package can help you to move orphaned node in the Neos Content Repository.
Warning: Working with broken / orphaned nodes can be hard, please backup your data before using this package.
Currently this package supports only document nodes restoration. That means you can only restore documents including their content (and further children), but not only content that has been orphaned.
- Optional: For each site where you want to restore orphaned nodes, you can create a "Trash" node. This can be used as the automatically detected target for document node restoration.
- Go to the CLI and run the restore command.
flow rebirth:list
flow rebirth:list --type Neos.Neos:Document
flow rebirth:restore
Note: if you have no Trash node, this will fail with the message Missing restoration target for the current
node. Either create a Trash node or specify the target node using --target
flow rebirth:restore --type Neos.Neos:Document
flow rebirth:restore --target f34f834b-c36b-43eb-a580-f0e2f168b241
flow rebirth:prune
flow rebirth:list --type Neos.Neos:Document
If you get the message Missing restoration target for the current node even though a Trash node has been created, make sure you have a Trash node matching the context of the nodes to be restored. Specifically check the content dimensions. You must have a Trash node that can be found in the same dimension value combination as the node to be restored.
Development sponsored by ttree ltd - neos solution provider.
We try our best to craft this package with a lots of love, we are open to sponsoring, support request, ... just contact us.
Licensed under MIT, see LICENSE