Git Kit is a simple tool for enhancing the usability of Git by providing several convenient aliases.
The functionality is similar to and can be considered an extension of Git Extras.
- fuse - Pull changes from all remote branches and push changes to the current branch.
- amend - Add staged changes to the last commit.
- pullmerge - Merge a branch into the current branch using the last revision of both branches.
- blankmerge - Merge a branch into the current branch without applying any changes.
- graphlog - Display commit log for all branches as a graph.
- branchlog - Display commit log for specified branch only.
- kit - List Git aliases invoking Git Kit commands.
Run the following command from within root directory of a Git repository to install Git Kit into it:
curl -fsSL | python - install .
Alternatively, Git Kit can also be downloaded used directly as a script without installation.
Display Git command aliases invoking Git Kit commands.
git kit
Display help for specified Git Kit command.
git <command> -h
Synchronize changes to checked out branches.
git fuse
Synchronize changes to all branches.
git fuse -a
Synchronize changes to checked out branches and delete local branches tracking non-existent remote branches.
git fuse -p