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Hi πŸ‘‹, I'm Rafi

A passionate backend developer from Indonesia


@masiting's Holopin board


Connect with me: rafi-bagaskara-halilintar-3540ba13b rafihalilintarz

Languages and Tools:

android aws azure babel bash bootstrap cassandra chartjs circleci cockroachdb css3 cypress dart django docker ember express figma firebase flask flutter gatsby gcp git go gulp heroku html5 ifttt javascript jenkins laravel linux mariadb mongodb mysql nextjs nginx nodejs nuxtjs php postgresql postman pug python rabbitMQ react reactnative redis sass sculpin selenium sketch symfony tailwind tensorflow travisci unreal vagrant vuejs vuepress vuetify webpack



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    Lemposite adalah webserver installation script.

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  3. pantaucorona pantaucorona Public

    Forked from rizqon/pantaucorona

    App to track corona viruses in Indonesia, and gift alert about it more:

    HTML 1

  4. Cookpad-Scrapper Cookpad-Scrapper Public

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    Source file PHP tabunganku untuk anak PAUD