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Linus edited this page Dec 11, 2017 · 1 revision

Creating an ATM sign

To create an atm sign, place a sign with the first line: [ATM]. You can put whatever you want on the next lines, and you'll need the permission to be able to do this.

ATM Sign Layout

Using an ATM sign

To use an atm sign, just click it. You'll need the permission tim.atm.use to be able to do this.

An opened ATM

Configuring the ATM - Module

All labels, withdraw and deposit amounts can be configured using the section shown below in the config.yml. You also have the opportunity to adjust the worth gradation of both deposit and withdraw in order to fit the economics on your server.

enable_atm: true
atm_title: "&cATM"
atm_withdraw: "&cWithdraw"
atm_deposit: "&cDeposit"
atm_balance: "&cBank balance:"
  - 10.0
  - 100.0
  - 1000.0
  - 10000.0
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