You have the App
with the MoviesList
and the NewMovie
form containing ready-to-use TextField
components. Learn how it works and implement an ability to
add movies from IMDB.
If you want to test your page you can get the first image from a movie page using DevTools
-> Network
-> Img
Here is the demo page
- The
component should verify that thetitle
, andimdbId
fields are filled out when an input field loses focus (onBlur
). If any of these fields are empty, it should display an error message and apply a red border to indicate the issue. This functionality is already implemented in theTextField
, so you can refer to that for guidance on how it works. There is no need to implement this part in this task; - The
is optional; - Disable the submit button until all the required fields are filled (spaces should be trimmed);
- Clear the form after adding a new movie.
- Errors should not be shown after clearing the form (change its key to reinitialize the form);
Implement the ability to add custom validation callback to the TextField
Check if imgUrl
and imdbUrl
are valid URLs (you can use the next regex)
const pattern = /^((([A-Za-z]{3,9}:(?:\/\/)?)(?:[-;:&=+$,\w]+@)?[A-Za-z0-9.-]+|(?:www\.|[-;:&=+$,\w]+@)[A-Za-z0-9.-]+)((?:\/[+~%/.\w-_]*)?\??(?:[-+=&;%@,.\w_]*)#?(?:[,.!/\\\w]*))?)$/;
- Install Prettier Extention and use this VSCode settings to enable format on save.
- Implement a solution following the React task guideline.
- Use the React TypeScript cheat sheet.
- Open one more terminal and run tests with
npm test
to ensure your solution is correct. - Replace
with your Github username in the DEMO LINK and add it to the PR description.