A MERN simple REST API template using MongoDb on Atlas free server and MongoDb extension on Visual Studio Code
Based on Mongodb tutorial How to Use MERN Stack: A Complete Guide.
- npm version ^16
- Visual Studio Code
Clone this repo
You can follow the Getting Started with Atlas guide, to learn how to create a free Atlas account, create your first cluster and get your Connection String to the database. Then, set the Atlas URI connection parameter in
to your Connection String:
- Start the Express server:
cd server
npm install
npm install -g nodemon
nodemon server
you should see a "Successfully connected to MongoDB" message on terminal, let it running
- Start the React app: open another Terminal tab
cd client
npm install
npm start
Test App on localhost:3000 Create a Record Edit that record
Install Visual Studio Code and MongoDB extension https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/azure/mongodb
- Use the same connecting string contained in .env file to connect to Atlas MongoDb using the VS code MongoDb extension
- Open MERNtutorial_employee_populate.mongodb and press 'Play' button
Check out new records inserted on both Atlas UI and localhost
- Go to https://cloud.mongodb.com/ navigate to collections > MERNstackDB > employee and check new records just inserted
- Refresh your localhost:3000 on browser and check if the new records are there
You can also execute the other mongoDb files to get used to mongodb shell sintax for insert, erase, update and delete data on mongodb:
- open server/db/MERNtutorial_* files and execute them
Use at your own risk; not a supported MongoDB product