⚠️ Disclaimer: That project is for educational purposes only, it was not tested enough for production!
- Import an account using this PK in your metamask: f3ce236978501cac7bca07ab5cf7700899eb3e2435c6d94e0d3bd346355f53f3
- Connect to Ropsten testnet
- Access https://matheusrosendo.github.io/TokenizationLabMintableToken
Blockchain Dapp Prototype - Tokenization Lab Mintable Token - Based on pratical lab of the course https://www.udemy.com/course/blockchain-developer/
A Token creation and sale dapp with mintable tokens (unfixed supply) and whitelist approval by the deployer
- Create and setup an infura project (https://infura.io)
- Install Ganache
- Install Node Package Manager
- Clone this repository:
git clone
- Install dependencies going to main folder of the project using powershell and typing:
npm install
- Do the same in the client folder:
npm install
- Create an .env file with the following variables:
MNEMONIC_LOCALDEV_ACCOUNT=your mnemonic phrase (take from the first account (show keys) of your ganache instance)
MNEMONIC_TESTNET_ACCOUNT= your mnemonic phrase - create or use one and take some faucets of eth goerli and/or eth ropsten according to the network you are going to > deploy
INFURA_ROPSTEN_URL=your infura ropsten url
INFURA_GOERLI_URL=your infura goerli url
- start ganache.
- in main folder run truffle tests:
truffle test --network ganache
- migrate smart contracts to Ganache:
truffle migrate --reset --network ganache
- in client folder:
npm start
- add your local ganache network on metamask and connect to it
- change account on metamask to your deploy account (mnemonic informed on .env)
- refresh page (default is localhost:3000)
- create a project in Infura, copy address of ropsten and goerli urls and paste it on .env file
- in main folder run truffle tests:
truffle test --network ropsten_infura
- migrate smart contracts to Ropsten testnet:
truffle migrate --reset --network ropsten_infura
- in client folder:
npm start
- change metamask network to Ropsten and connect to it
- change account on metamask to your deploy account (mnemonic informed on .env)