Final project is to replicate the architecture we have worked on this semester with a new project. Follow the tasks below and when you're done, ensure your file contains an explaination of the project. Ensure the file contains a summary of the project which includes at a minimum the following information:
- Why use git?
- Why write an application in golang?
- What purpose does Travis CI serve?
- What is the purpose of terraform?
- Why use virtualized resources?
- Include a diagram of the architecture from laptop to GCP
- Why use bash commands vs clicking through UI?
- Why docker vs installing application directly on the host?
- What protections are there against accidentally introducing bad code into production?
Along the way, make sure that you:
- use meaningful commit messages
- make all changes beyond initial setup are made through pull requests
- Create a new Github repo
- repository should be named comp698-final
- initialize it with a
- clone it to your laptop
- configure the Github repo to protect your master branch
- require status checks before merging
- including administrators
- initial hello world application
- create a hello world server using this source helloworld-source
- add Dockerfile
- Create a Dockerfile based on the content here helloworld-dockerfile or see the diff of what is changed diff
- add travis ci PR validation
- add a
file through a PR based on this source helloworld-travisci or see the diff of what is changed diff
- update travis ci for PR validation and functional testing
- trigger a build and make sure it passes
- add GCP build trigger
- trigger should build new docker images based on changes to master
- publish images to your GCP project with the$PROJECT_ID/$REPO_NAME:$COMMIT_SHA
format - ensure the comp698-final repo is able to build a new image by triggering a build
- create terrform to deploy hello world version to 1 staging server
- add terraform configuartion files to your github repo in a terraform subdirectory
- use the terraform-configuration server to deploy a hello world server to a "staging" server with an external ip address
- ensure your webpage loads
- update application code to full
- update your application code to a javascript bootstrapped server based on the source bootstrap-source or see the diff of what is changed diff
- from the next version of the application bootstrap-source
- update the main.go, main_test.go, Dockerfile, files
- include the static directory
- ensure the merged changes successfully build a new image in GCP
- update terraform to deploy full app to 1 staging server and hello world to 1 prod server
- update the terraform configuration files
- use the terraform-configuration server to move the hello world server to a "prod" instance and the bootstrap server to a "staging" server
- ensure the "prod" server loads a hello world response
- ensure the "staging" server loads a bootstrap server (use a
http://[ip address]/home