The goal of this project was to produce a back-end with an API for time based events and a client that could consume those in real time.
It didn't go super well...
The API part of it went pretty well. I chose to use Ariadne to provide a GraphQL API. This is perhaps not the best option for a project with an extremely tight deadline. It does however have the ability to create users (without authentication), create events, query events, and subscribe to events.
On the front-end is where things really broke down. The whole reason I chose GraphQL is that I have been wanting to try Apollo Client for a while. I don't know if the project is immature, or if I am just missing something but the most sucess I had was with getting the subscription working. I was never able to get any of the queries or mutations working. I might try to spend some more time with that later.
The next steps after debugging whatever is going wrong with the Apollo client are:
Add a data store for the backend - I was planning to use Redis but ended up getting bogged down in the front-end.
Deploy it somewhere - I would be leaning towards Kubernetes if this were a real project, but I would have to figure out the subsciptions.
Authenitcation - Obviously we would want to do better than the honor system.
Start the server by running:
docker compose up
The graphQL dashboard can be reached at http://localhost:8000/
Here are some example queries that could be run:
mutation CreateUser($username: String!) {
username: $username
user {
mutation CreateEvent($userId: String!) {
level: INFO
message: "sup"
event {
query FetchEvents($userId: String!) {
events (userId: $userId) {
events {
One can also create a "real-time" subsription for new events:
subscription EventSub($userId: String!) {
newEvent(userId: $userId) {
Start the server by running:
npm start