Releases: matt852/netconfig
v1.3.6 - 7-3-18
- #40 - Python3 support nearly finalized. This should be finalized in the next release or two, followed by Python2 being phased out.
- Added PoE status to devices page
- Added official instructions for installing NetConfig on CentOS
Bug Fixes:
- #81 - Fixed error when editing an interface without anything in the 'other' field
- Bugfix Redis handling with Python3. Now supports Python2 and 3
v1.3.5 - 4-5-18
- #6 Add description column to all supported devices (IOS, IOS-XE, ASA). This was previously only working for NX-OS
- #69 Add auto-check to see if new update is available on GitHub. (This can be disabled in the NetConfig settings)
- Large improvement in speed of loading individual devices. This was previously taking a long time to load one device due from a bug fix in a recent release
- Improved speed and responsivness when disconnecting from existing SSH sessions
- Rework numerous backend systems (SSH handling, db access, logging) to support future integrations
- Additional unit testing, documentation updates, and Pep8 standardization updates
Bug Fixes:
- Many various bug fixes
v1.3.4a - 2-13-18
- #57 Rework Netbox backend
- Add description column to devices (currently working with NX-OS. It is currently a blank column for other device types, and support for IOS will be added in the next update)
- Additional unit testing and documentation updates
Bug Fixes:
- Fix #46 when accessing a device after editing it to use local credentials
- Fix #54 when adding new device with local credentials
- Fix #55 issue with underscores in iShell commands
- Fix #56 issue with underscores when editing an interface
- Fix missing requirements line with v1.3.4. Release pulled and updated to 1.3.4a
v1.3.3 - 1-31-18
Cleanup and Backend Rework
- Large amount of cleanup of old or redundant code.
- Better optimization of some backend code
- Some major functions have been reworked to better support future growth and adding in custom vendors.
- Standardized output on pages with different headers & titles
- Standardized table column output across different device types (ie: IOS vs NX-OS)
- Added unit testing framework and some initial tests
- Added TravisCI integration
- Various minor bug fixes
Important Update Info:
Please run the script after downloading the newest files.
This will be the last release specifically mentioning this, as it has been updated in the Documentation, under the Upgrading NetConfig section.
v1.3.2 - 1-19-18
Bug Fix:
- #49 - Fix bug with version 1.3.1 when upgrading the local database from a previous version
Important Update Info:
Please run the script after downloading the newest files.
v1.3.1 - 1-15-18
Local Credentials Support Added
- #7 - Added support for using local/different credentials for devices, other than the ones set for the currently logged in user.
- Note: This is not currently supported when using NetBox as your device datastore, only when using the local database.
- #42 - Add support to delete multiple devices at a time in the local database
Issues Resolved:
- #43 - Some links were being briefly redirected to HTTP before redirecting back to HTTPS. This is now fixed after running the script
Important Update Info:
Please run the script after downloading the newest files.
v1.2.3 - 1-8-18
Issues Resolved:
- #4 - Add support to change the hostname in iShell - Workaround implemented to remediate bug. This feature is currently unable to be fully supported.
- #5 - Bug with refreshing page when in config mode in iShell - Resolved
- #33 - SECRET_KEY not displaying in settings page - Resolved
- #37 - Interface info on Cisco ASR routers doesn't work properly - Resolved
- #38 - Cleanup passing of edit interface commands in URL - Resolved
- #39 - Can't edit interface with '/' in command - Resolved
Important Update Info:
As of v1.2.2, the Upgrade instructions changed slightly. Please run the script after downloading the newest files, as there are additional PIP dependencies in this release.
v1.2.2 - 1-3-18
Important Update Info:
When updating to v1.2.2, the Upgrade instructions changed slightly. Please run the script after downloading the newest files, as there are additional PIP dependencies in this release.
- Added support for Flask-Bootstrap module
- Cleaned up some backend Bootstrap code
v1.2.1 - 12-31-17
- Added page to view NetConfig settings (view only mode currently)
- Updated navbar to support Mobile formats
- Vendor neutral support added to individual device page; was overlooked earlier
Issues Resolved:
- #28 Installation Guide fixed - Extra spaces and line numbers removed in installation guides which were throwing errors in new installs