The Techblog website is a platform dedicated to providing insightful and up-to-date content on various latest technology topics.
From product reviews to industry news and tech tutorials, the website offers engaging articles for both tech enthusiasts and beginners.
Admin Dashboard:
- Add, edit, and delete users with ease.
- Manage blog post categories efficiently.
- Create, modify, and remove blog posts effortlessly.
User Dashboard:
- Conveniently add and publish blog posts.
- Easily view and access created blog posts.
Overall Website:
- User-friendly and intuitive layout for seamless navigation.
- Secure user authentication and authorization system.
- Responsive design for optimal viewing on various devices.
Hi 👋, I'm a Dynamic Web Developer Looking For New Opportunities To Challenge Myself👍. Fav Languages : PHP, HTML. CSS, JAVACRIPT, MySQL.
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🌱 I’m currently learning PHP, LARAVEL, REACTJS.
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on cool project.