What to do once you have a PiTubeDirect fitted to your BBC Micro?
So you have just got a PiTubeDirect (https://github.com/hoglet67/PiTubeDirect/wiki) fitted, but what do you do next?
First some examples for each CoPro core (somewhat out of date) - https://github.com/hoglet67/PiTubeDirect/wiki/Examples-for-each-CoPro-core
Boot disk images for varaious CoProcessor cores. - http://www.retroclinic.com/docs/CoPro_Bootdisks.zip & https://mdfs.net/Software/Tube/
Overview of BBC Micro Second Processors - https://sites.google.com/site/jamesskingdom/Home/computers-exposed/bbc-micro-second-processors
Current Default Setting (65C102) https://chrisacorns.computinghistory.org.uk/8bit_Upgrades/Acorn_ADC06_65C102CoPro.html
Master 512 (80186) - http://www.cowsarenotpurple.co.uk/bbccomputer/master512/index.html - https://www.g7jjf.com/512_disc_images.htm - https://mdfs.net/Software/BBCBasic/M512/
PANOS (32016) - https://chrisacorns.computinghistory.org.uk/Panos.html - https://mdfs.net/Software/Tube/32016/
ARM 2 - https://mdfs.net/Software/Tube/ARM/ - https://www.sprow.co.uk/bbc/armcopro.htm
CP/M (Z80) - https://www.g7jjf.com/acornz80_disc_images.htm - https://mdfs.net/Software/Tube/Z80/
PDP-11 - https://mdfs.net/Software/PDP11/
Flex (6809) - https://mdfs.net/Software/Tube/6809/ - https://chrisacorns.computinghistory.org.uk/docs/Acorn/Tech/Acorn_FLEXfor6809.pdf
ReCo6502 65C816 512K - https://www.zeridajh.org/hardware/reco6502/index.html
And in alpha testing
RISC-V - https://github.com/hoglet67/PiTubeDirect/wiki/RISC-V-Co-Pro-Notes
DIP CPU Speed "Startup banner"
0 65C02 (Fast) "Acorn TUBE 65C102 Co-Processor"
1 65C02 3MHz "Acorn TUBE 6502 64K"
2 65C102 (Fast) "Acorn TUBE 65C102 Co-Processor" (configured as default)
3 65C102 4MHz "Acorn TUBE 65C102 Co-Processor"
4 Z80 (1.21) 8MHz "Acorn TUBE Z80 64K 1.21"
5 Z80 (2.0) 32MHz "Acorn TUBE Z80 64K 2.00"
6 Z80 (2.2c) 56MHz "Acorn TUBE Z80 64K 2.2c"
7 Z80 (2.30) 112MHz "Acorn TUBE Z80 64K"
8 80286 16MHz "Acorn TUBE 80186 896K"
9 MC6809 4MHz "6809 TUBE 64K 1.05" (ctrl+shift+break to get prompt)
10 68000 16MHZ Not Implemented
11 PDP-11 32MHz "PDP11 TUBE 64K 0.30 "
12 ARM2 32MHz "Native Acorn ARM Second Processor 4096K"
13 32016 32MHz "Pandora 32000 V2.00 1024 KB"
14 Disable Host "Acorn MOS"
15 ARM Native 1000MHz "Native ARM Co Processor 1000MHz" (clean boot to get to prompt)
16 LIB65C02 64K unknown "Acorn TUBE 6502 64K"
17 LIB65C02 256K Turbo "Acorn TUBE 6502 256K"
18 65C816 (Dossy) unknown "Dossytronics 65816 Tube"
19 65C816 (ReCo) 14.7MHz "ReCo6502 65C816 512K (14.7 MHz)"
20 OPC5LS unknown "OPC5LS Co Processor"
21 OPC6 unknown "OPC6 Co Processor"
22 OPC7 unknown "OPC7 Co Processor"
24 65C02 (JIT) (Fast) "Acorn TUBE 6502 64K"
28 Ferranti F100-L unknown "Ferranti F100-L (32K words)"
The CPU can be selected by using *FX 151,230,n, and comes into effect at the next Break.
(Fast) is the fastest the ARM core can run depending on the version of Raspberry Pi.
The latest development version (Indigo) is alpha code, but includes a few changes:
8 Change CoPro name from 80286 to 80186
23 New RISC-V Co processor
24 65C02 Co Processor (JIT) now default CoPro