Docker-compose file (and dockerfile to build the associated image) to run openspecimen. Inspired by
Several environment variables can be set in .env/openspecimen-web. You should change at least set a custom value for TOMCAT_ADMIN and TOMCAT_PASSWORD
NB: The default openspecimen user will always be 'admin' with the password 'Login@123' You should change the password as soon as possible
Variable name | Default value | Info |
DATABASE_HOST | mysql | Needs to be the name of the service in docker-compose |
MYSQL_DATABASE | openspecimen | The name of the database to create and interact with |
MYSQL_USER | openspecimen | The database user |
MYSQL_PASSWORD | openspecimen | Password for the MYSQL_USER |
MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD | password | Mysql root password |
RELEASEURL | | URL for the github repository for the source code |
RELEASEBRANCH | v6.3.x | Branch to checkout to |
APP_HOME | /opt/tomcat | |
APP_DATA_DIR | /opt/openspecimen/os-data | |
APP_LOG_CONF | None | |
PLUGIN_DIR | /opt/openspecimen/os-plugins | |
TOMCAT_ADMIN | admin | User for tomcat manager. |
TOMCAT_PASSWORD | admin | Password for tomcat manager |
There are some bugfixes in the dockerfile, namely 'JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=-Dfile.encoding=UTF8' in the env file,
and sed -i 's#mavenCentral()#maven { url "" }#g'
in to fix the https issue.